I've had more fun receiving a speeding ticket than playing this game.

User Rating: 6 | Black & White 2 PC
Maybe I am just not the target audience for Black and White 2, but I found this game tedious and rather dull. The reviews looked pretty good and I ran across it for $9.99 so I figured I might as well try it.

The game has you playing as a nameless deity in charge of the Greeks who have an arch nemesis in the Aztecs (WTF?). The game is pretty much fairly simplistic city building as you build your civilization back up so you can take vengeance on the Aztecs (I conjecture as I only played about 3/4 of the game before I lost interest). A novelty of the game is your creature whom you can train to harvest resources, eat villagers, attack enemies, and other actions that range from useful to just strange.

Controls for the game are pretty easy but I found myself waiting around for things to happen most of the time. You can build a nice city and just sit around and eventually other cities will pack up and move to yours -- the so-called cultural conquest. Alternatively, you can make soldiers and take cities by force. The computer basically just sits around and waits for you to come and attack them. The only real challenge was finding the energy to sit and play the game.

Sure the game is innovative and has some funny quirks but I just found it lacking substance and ultimately appeal. I suppose I like games that are better fleshed out; the Black and White universe is so kitschy I could never get into it.