The Game has some very good points BUT is too short and doesn't seem to give you enough army control.

User Rating: 8 | Black & White 2 PC
This game is said to give you the power of God...if it does that God obviously isn't the God of War!

The old elements of the game such as the control of your settlements and choising either to throw people over mountains or give them wood and food is just as solid as ever. The new editions however seem a little...well small.

The story is pretty much to the same quality as the last one but I would say it isn't quite as good and the creature is almost the same. The creatures only main differences are first of all it is easier to turn it good or evil and secondaly it is a war machine!

The games graphics are very, very good which makes it much nicer to play it even if the part of the game i would most like to play is not so good.

What is this part of the game you ask?
It is the Army! Well the armies, taking the population out of the town and making them take over settlements.

The problem is that...that is it! You can have some small battles and fight with your creature if you want but basically you just send some troops in and either win or real strategy involved whatsoever...This is understandable as the game is a God Game not a War game...but I would have appreciated more advanced armies.

In conclusion the game is very good and solid and has a lot of potential extra play if you do not get bored of playing through the campaign missions constantly and enjoy creating cities out of nothing.