Black & White 2, what a game. It has everything any overlord enthusiast would want.

User Rating: 10 | Black & White 2 PC
Black & White 2, like its predecessor, Black & White, is a marvelous game. You play God in an unknown world, with the help of your creature companion. With many choices to make from feeding your people, to training them to fight, Black & White 2 offers up some amazing game play. Though the game has its flaws, which are few and far between, you'll have a hard time putting it down.
As you play God throughout your world, other Gods will try and oppose you, with their peoples and creatures. With many different options, choices, and creatures to choose from, the game makes for a most enjoyable experience for young and old alike. While playing through the game you have to unlock certain prerequisites to obtain special powers, such as "Water Crops, Fireballs, and Lightning Storms" to wield at your own accord.
Now, no one said anything about being a "good" overlord to your beings, which means you have a certain amount of good points and bad points. For example, you could pick up a giant boulder, toss it into a house and kill the inhabitants. Now, that's a bit harsh but, what the heck, your God right? Anyways, the game has a certain, well, let's say amusement to it. We love playing god, and always have, so, why not make another game about it right? Yes, in fact, this game is the most amusing game I have ever played personally, in terms of a population survival type game. All around Black & White 2, is a must have for all those overlord enthusiasts out there.