One of the best Plot Twist of the games.

User Rating: 9 | BioShock Infinite PC

BioShock 1 (2007) and 2 (2010) are known for having many twists, Plot Twist, with a great plot and a gloomy mood, and BioShock Infinite has changed a lot, the game now takes place in a floating city called Columbia. Discovers its origin in the passing of the game and of course finding audio in the scene), I did not like this change, I always liked the atmosphere of Rapture, an underwater place and with several moments that I was afraid, more burned my tongue, BioShock Infinite Is an excellent game, and has an excellent plot and a dark secret, the end of the game is macabre and to blow the head, and even being confused, works great, the characters are very good, Elizabeth is a very interesting character and Mysterious, the environment is impeccable, Columbia is a beautiful and colorful place, but the game is getting strange every moment, the soundtrack is impeccable, has several references in relation to previous games, has a gigantic reference near the End of the game, BioShock Infinite manages to close the gold key trilogy, with an excellent storyline, very good gameplay and an end to blow the head. Note 97