This game has an essence of swing and attitude with a strangely immersive feel and quite an impactive soundtrack.

User Rating: 9.5 | Big Bang Mini DS
On a first opinion, this game provides the textures and the nostalgia of games like Geometry Wars or Galaga, but a highly refined twist occurs. There is nothing in the gaming world quite like coming across a fresh and new interactive experience, and I am pleased to say that this game certainly delivers. Although, at first it is difficult to wrap your fingers around the controls, but the learning curve is comfortably patient. Every new world takes it to a new step in individuality of color orchestration and brilliant sound affects. Each environment offers a brand new theme that was more enjoyable than the last, but not less enjoyable than the next. While it may be complexly zany with plenty of adorable parachuting turtle and other assorted forest creatures to shoot just as your heart desires, it has an relaxed sense of grand order and design with its simple controls, level goals, and game modes. This game simply just is amazing as it is. It will also, as an independent game, give you the most game-play for your money out there. On that note, when you think of shoot-em-ups, none other than Big Bang Mini should appear in your mind.