the game, so far is one of the best DS games, not only for graphics, but gameplay and controls.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks DS
this game is one of my favorites i'll continue with not only game statistics but the alien forms below:

GRAPHICS: one of the best next to Transformers(TM) most of the alien forms are 3D including jetray and brainstorm. it's more interesting to see the designs for the aliens that weren't in the last Ben 10 DS game, like for example Big Chill, Brainstorm and Jetray. its disappointing that the backround and some aliens aren't 3D and the enemies aren't 3D though.

SOUND: what is disappointing about the sound is they don't add voices to the characters even in the cut scenes. though the grunts, bangs, roars, and smashes are good.

GAMEPLAY: the gameplay and controls are great, especially with the fact that you can use L and R to select and press them at the same time to activate, in place of using your finger.

OVERALL: the game is my favorite right now and i think any ben 10 fan or just anyone who likes brawler games should get this game.

GOOP: my favorite alien, most useful alien, and most flexible (literally) he is the best, to me. Powers: ability to stretch, morph and turn to acid.

BRAINSTORM: as the most self-defensive alien, you press A and everything close to him will get zapped. he can do this in mid-air. Powers: causes lightning merely by thought.

BIG CHILL: the only one who can glide, he can shoot ice stalagmites from his mouth Powers: ability to freeze anything with his breath.

SPIDERMONKEY: he is the most agile alien of them. Powers: agility, shoots a spider web from his tail.

UPCHUCK: he is the smallest and most ranged alien. Powers: abiltity to whip enemies with his four tongues and shoot from his mouth with items he has eaten before (off screen, as in you DO have unlimited barf).

SWAMPFIRE: he is one of the aliens with 2 abilities based on completely different things Powers: shoots fire from his palms, controls plant life.

ECHO ECHO: he is another alien with 2 abilities. Powers: multiplies, sonic screams

HUMONGOSAUR: he is the biggest (duh) and strongest alien in the game's arsenal (meaning in the SHOW way big is biggest and strongest). Powers: super strength, and the ability to grow (DS exclusive also limited to only when you charge the A button).

JETRAY: i don't like jetray very much even though you need him to get to high places. Powers: neuroshock blast, and superspeed AND flight.

CHROMASTONE: he is one of my favorites just 'cause he's cool. Powers: harnesses light to create energy blasts.

THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: when goop ducks he is the shortest because when he ducks, he melts. each alien does something funny if you leave them idle for a while. here are them all: goop turns into wiggling rectangular goop
brainstorm smile's and sparks.
big chill rubs his shoulders like he's cold
spidermonkey jumps around
upchuck eats a big gear/cog
green steam comes from swampfire's hands
echo echo falls asleep
humongosaur beats his hands together like he's gonna beat someone up and then stretches his neck
jetray covers his nose down like the batman and looks around
chromastone looks around and sparkles

also when big chill blocks he turns intangible, spreads his wings out and floats

whats helpful about this version of the game is this is the only one that doesn't have an energy meter.

i found an easter egg for this game: as big chill press X and A really fast.
this makes him see-thru no matter what he does. Why you ask? because X is the block button and when big chill blocks he turns intangible, meaning he turns see-thru and everything passes through him and A is the attack button so doing this combo makes him see-thru but, he doesn't act like he is moving, attacking, and invincible all at the same time. so it doesn't improve gameplay its just fun to watch. and don't worry about having to turn it off to make it go away. all you have to do is press X.