Only viable if you have family or friends to play with

User Rating: 3 | Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games PC
I work in an international environment in NATO so my co workers and I will pick up our own nations flags in this title and go to war. I am proud to say that the United States is undeafeted to date with a close rival in Great Britain. This title is tragic if you are buying it to be played in single player. The game play its self is very simple for most events its smash buttons faster than the other guy. If you have played previous Olympic titles you will fall right in on this one with no effort at all. I also have a bit of fun dusting off the wife at home from time to time but this is the full extent of the games potential. I dont see where it can grow in very many directions and as long as you have one version or the other you pretty much dont need to buy the next instalment in the series. I would like to see a story line mode where you train up you athletes in preperation for the games maybe even hold tryouts and then pick your team. There is a ton that could be done to church up this lack luster title but I doubt any of it will ever come to fruition.