Ability to use your own music is the best part of the game..

User Rating: 9.5 | Beats PSP
Beats might seem like just another rhythm-based game to you. But how many rhythm games let's you use your own music to create rhythm-based challenges? None.

Beats lets you use whatever music you have on your MS Pro Duo memory stick, and loads them onto the game, allowing you to create challenges with your music. The game will then detect the song, it's kicks, the claps, the synths.. in a very short load time of 5 sec to 10 sec.. which is simply awesome.

There's also this Jamming mode where it gives you a few sound/loop packs and allows you to make your own beats/songs, you could then save it and listen to it on your PSP. This mode isn't very interesting though, basically just playing with a few sound and loops...

The visuals of the game is great, you can choose from about 10 themes to decorate the game menu, and over 30 visualizers for you to choose from while playing the game.

Overall Beats is a seriously addictive little game, and it's sure to give you the entertainment you need on-the-go. Get this game... NOW!