Battezone is uniqe combination of real time strategy and first person shooter that is free to download and play online.

User Rating: 10 | Battlezone PC
Battlezone is really unique game. The way it combines the adrenaline rush of first person action games with strategy and resource management is simply amazing. Battlezone is played like many popular real-time strategies, but the main difference here is that you control everything on the battlefield from the cockpit of your own tank in amazing 3D environment. Graphics are great and hardware demands are low. Battlezone's singleplayer is fun and challenging and multiplayer is intense and dynamic, unlike any other game and consist of 2 modes: Strategy and standard Deathmatch. Strategy mode (which gives you the same type of control as in the single-player game) provides a distinct experience each time out because there are so many approaches each opponent can take. Activision abandoned Battlezone long time ago so the game is free to download and play online. You can visit Battlezone community at