Rare's answer to the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

User Rating: 7.5 | Battletoads in Battlemaniacs SNES
Ever since I was a kid i have enjoy Battletoads in Battlemaniacs its a game I can keep on coming back to for more kick butt action so on to my review.

The Story:
It is pretty basic and similar to Double Dragon, pinple and rash's brother and friend have been kidnapped by their arched nemesis and it is up to them to battle there way through hordes of enemies to get them back.

Even though the music is basic I really enjoyed it just like alot of rare's other games (donkey kong 1-3).

It is 2d graphics which I like, I am a big fan of 2d games (Street Fighter, King of Fighters and Metal Slug) which is what I really like about the super nintendo. The graphics are superb for a 2d some of the best just like most of rare's other games.

Battletoads is a sidescroller (just like double dragon and the teenage mutant ninja turles: turtles in time super nintendo games) and it is fun pulling off special moves and what your characters do when you leave them there for awhile.

i think Battletoads in Battlemaniacs is a good game especially if you like beat 'em up sidescrollers but some people will find it boring quickly and complain about how it is just a rip off of the teenage mutant ninja turtles but i think it's all good.