Easily one of the hardest SNES game ever made, but that doesn't stop it from being a fun game in general.

User Rating: 7.5 | Battletoads & Double Dragon SNES
Story wise, this game has your typical 90's appeal to it. The Dark Queen (Batttletoads' main enemy) has gathered some of the meanest villians ranging from both the Battletoads and Double Dragon universes, controlling her Rat Ship in an attempt to destroy the world. Realising the task would be too much for them, they ask for the assistance of the Lee Twins, Billy and Jimmy, to help them on this tedious task.

One thing you should note before you play it: be prepared for some extremely HARD levels. The game is rather short but the levels can be a real pain to get through thus expanding the length of the gameplay. This game is also home to, arguably, the HARDEST bosses on any SNES game at the time. Even the first boss would beat you silly if you don't fight him properly. One tip I can say: jump kicks. That's the ONLY way to beat any of the bosses in this game. Attempt to stand toe-to-toe with any of them and you won't last long.

Despite all of these, Battletoads and Double Dragon is considered by many as one of the best beat-em-ups of all time and plain fun in general. So, if you're a fan of a challenging beat-em-up, you can't get any better than Battletoads and Double Dragon for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.