Whoever gave this above an 8 was smoking crack

User Rating: 5 | Battlestations: Midway PC
I just passed this, albeit on rookie level. The game is a challenge, and of a not fun variety. Its a chellenge of how finely you can aim your mouse. It's a challenge of tendium, as, if you die, you end up repeating the whole mission, again and again. It's a challenge of excitment, since at the later levels you won't have time to jump into various aircraft and attack the enemy; you are forced to play the rudamentary RTS game. And that's all this game is; everything is rudamentary. There are only a dozen or so commands, although you can pilot a aircraft or a ship, ti's essentially the same thing. It's a fun, quick game. I finished it in about 5 hours. I can't see it having much replay value, since the missions are scripted, and really, just not that fun. It tries to do both FPS and RTS at the same time, and failes miserably.