Great WW2 Epic This game has many good features but it is lacking a few things that make a game great

User Rating: 7.5 | Battlestations: Midway X360
Battlestations Midway Review:

I have recently just got this game at first i thought that it was brilliand but as i progressed through the game i realised that it was missing some things that i belive would have made it better.

This game has got a great storyline. It starts off a bit boring just in a small patrol boat for the first few missions which can be a bit boring when all you want to do is get to the battleships and cause destruction. One of the dissapointing parts of the campain missions is tha you can only use the submarine once which is one of the better vessels i think.

I think that the graphics are good but the planes could wave done with a bit more detail. The water effects are suprisingly good when bombed of fired on.

This game could have used a mode where you can just go and make your own fleet and attack.