So much potential - So little delivered!

User Rating: 5.5 | Battlestations: Midway PC
I have always enjoyed sea battle sims that were more game than simulation. Harking back to Jutland for sheer playability yet challenging (you run everything) like Harpoon. That was the mix we seemed promised here... with the added bonus of on-line multi-player tossed in!

The game was a bit buggy at release but most of that seems fixed in the first few patch cycles. What remains is a frustrating on-line experience, the worst of it being trying to get a game going with a balance group of players! It really hits hard not being able to play from a dedicated server... someone must host the game. That seems to either make for a slow and laggy round or, it the host has a sweet connection and a high-end machine, a unbalanced battle!