Fools, what have you done!?

User Rating: 1 | Battlestar Galactica PC
I just finished season 4 of BSG, and i can say that this is one show i won't be forgetting easy. Looking forward for the all-new Caprica series (hope the new "syfy" politics won't frak it up)

Now... about the game: what a fraking piece of junk is this?! can't imagine what were they thinking when they finished this product? what the hell is crap? 2d low graphics,no brainer shooter. My God! This could have been one of the greatest games ever! and when you think at all that wasted potential... what it could have been... i just can't understand how someone, anyone could produce such a pile of crap from something so great as the miniseries! come to think no one from the
producing team up to the marketing never saw one full BSG episode ... If i were in any position to stop this thing from going on the market, this would have never happened!

What a wasteful shame...