A spin-off that travels into "Grand Theft Auto" territory.

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield Hardline XONE

Visceral's "Battlefield: Hardline" differentiates itself from past entries by giving the formula a cops-and-crooks twist. That being said, the game is inferior to past titles developed by series creator DICE. Both the single-player and multiplayer in "Hardline" do not evolve the franchise in any major way. But the campy campaign (it takes the form of a TV cop show) does introduce stealth segments and the online modes are faster-paced. Overall, this isn't a bad game. In fact, it's quite entertaining, but like many spin-offs, it lacks the quality of the original series.

The game's story is divided into ten chapters; all presented as a TV episode complete with recaps and previews. The tone is cheesy and the whole thing comes across as a silly take on "Miami Vice". It also borrows a little from "Far Cry 3" in that you use binoculars to spot enemies with. There are plenty of gunfights and scripted moments in the campaign, but you'll also use stealth tactics to clear out rooms with. As far as multiplayer is concerned, online matches have a faster, less strategic feel due to smaller maps and fast vehicles. Melee weapons are also more outlandish; swords, tasers and baseball bats are all used for quick takedowns. Additionally, each of the new modes; Heist, Hotwire, Blood Money, Rescue and Crosshair all have a very "Grand Theft Auto V" feel to them.

Some fans of "Battlefield" should enjoy the changes presented in "Hardline". But due to the GTA influence, it never quite feels like the "real" thing. I've been playing the series since "Bad Company 2" and I have to say that "Hardline" is perhaps the weakest entry I've played. Regardless, I'd rate it with a 7.5 out of 10.