Battlefield returns to duty and brings with it a new destruction system

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Battlefield Bad Company puts you in the boots of Preston Marlow. From the opening cut scene showing Preston meeting his new 'B' squad mates he immediately becomes a likable character. His eagerness to show ranking respect is immediately shot down by his superior who doesn't quite care and he begins to relax from there.

Single player is enjoyable enough thanks to dialogue between the characters as you play and the cut scenes that bookend each level are usually entertaining to encourage you onto the next. Unfortunately the campaign just feels like a series of large multiplayer maps with respawning enemies and your only objective each time to move from point A to B while blowing up target C.

Thankfully then it should be noted that Bad Company is to be played for its online multiplayer. The main mode - Gold Rush is where one team fights to defend gold crates as the other team fights to destroy them (and presumably, take the gold). Players will have available to them load outs, vehicles and kits (repair, medic etc...).

This isn't necessary something you've never seen before but the destructibility does make it special. For example; someone camping behind a door? – Simply blow a hole in the wall and knife them in the back (this never gets old and rewards you with their dog tags).

Graphics are built upon Dice's 'Frostbite' engine. They look great for the most part even if it's not the most stunning game you've ever seen. Consider the destruction, 24 man multiplayer and particle effects on screen and it becomes more impressive. Sound is excellent, especially good on a Dolby 5.1 surround setup.

Think of the campaign as training for the multiplayer. Of course if you're like me, you'll invest a dozen hours in the multiplayer before even playing the first level – and this is fine too.

Fans of competitive, balanced multiplayer will find something to like here. The learning curve can be steep as other players rank way above you but give it time and you'll eventually see the beauty in this battle.