Best Battlefield game!

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
I'm not a fan of multiplayer focused games, i actually hate teh fact that any great FPS only gets heavy updates for its multiplayer portion, but Bad Company is different, and the fact that it also includes a superb single player game elevates this games above all other games of the franchise.

The story is totally diffrerent form all others Modern Warfare, clones, is about rejected soldiers that go rogue and start to search for gold what makes this game even greater is that also adds a comedy tone and you can destroy most of the enviroment in real time, the levels are semi-sandbox and allow players to a lot of freedom, if that wasn't enough you can search for collectibles taht will unlock new weapons in multiplayer modes and gold that will become archievements to make your gamertag look greater.

Graphics are really great, lots of detail in levesl, weapons, enviroments, characters, etc. the sound it is even greater, you'll fell like you're shooting a real weapon ulnlike other shooter where sometimes weapons feel weak and very quiet, it reminden me of the first call of duty, and you know what? Ilked Call of Duty

As i said I think multiplayer is irrelevant, since maps and even complete games can be done by any idiot with free time and a map editor, but just imagine this Bad Company made me play in xbox live again, even if i'm not fan of multiplayer focused games because it has one of the most addictive multiplayer modes, it has the classic conquest mode form previous entries of the franchise, but its main adition is the gold rush mode wich is even more addictive.

The best thing aboput this game is that you can play it and get great scores, sometimes, other times you will get fragged a lot of times, taht's because the balance between classes allows you be on par with good players.

Not everything is perfect, the AI in the campaign mode sometimes leaveas a lot to be desired, some weapons allow you to use the iron sighrs to aim, and some other that obviously need ti don't have this aiming type, textures have some kind of grainy filter and the grenade launchers mounted to the assault rifles are almost uselles in multiplayer since theydon't do much damage.

The ridiculous low price of this game, great graphics, and one of the best sound you'll hear in a game, make this package a MUST HAVE for any fan of war themed shooters, Call of Duty fanboys, give this game a chance you won't regret it, maybe you'll even change your minds.