My review of The single and mulit-player game modes.

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Single Player-- Single player on BC starts you out as a new guy in BC and you really dont fit in. You were sent to BC because some inncedent with a helicopter. All of you BC fellow members were also on the wrong side of the tracks so they're sent here. You play through many levels (Dont wont to spoil anything). Here are my things that are good and bad

Good- Great voice over, Good Amount of Vehicle warfare, Good AI, Awesome maps, Long Missions.

The Bad- Not a lot of ammo, Knifeing becomes almost neccesary, Not-so-good things that damage you (you hit a light-pole and you lose 10 health in a jeep, Way to many bullets to take down ennimies but not enough bullets to take down tanks (two shots with a low-end RPG)

Multi-Player-- Multi-player is awesome (but EA has had the online down some times) and addictive. You start at level 0 with guns that you can level with (unlike some games where it is easier to go from 30 to 40 and harder to go to 0 to 10 because guns at that level suck) Here are my good and bad things of Multi-player

Good- Great maps, awesome add-ons (Autohealer, Mortour Strike) Good ammount of vehicles, good differsity in everything.

The bad- Bad mic use, only one type of game, not a lot of differsity in wich map you get, NO PARACHUTE EVER (its a joke the Darwin Awards Look it up)