Great Single Player, Legendary Multiplayer

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield: Bad Company X360
Of course, another Battlefield game. Why should I waist my money on a game that has been not that great these recent years. Well let me tell you something, Battlefield: Bad Company is ultimatley one of the best shooters I have ever played. The instense singleplayer and the epic multi-player, you cant leave this hanging.

The single-player in Battlefield: Bad Company is pretty cool this time around. You play as Private Marlo and you join Bad Company, a Company mad up of misfits. Theres Pvt Sweweter, Pvt Haggard, and Sgt. Redford or "Sarge". The whole campaingne is about finding gold and blowing up objectives along the way. You can find colectibles too.

The multiplayer experience is something no one can miss. Battlefield has so many things it will keep you busy for months. There's Dog Tags, Awards, Ranks, Unlocks, etc. Online has up to 24 player support and has a new game mode called "Gold Rush". One team is attacking and the other is defending. The attackers go to the defenders base and try to blow up the gold crates. If they exceed, it goes to another base and they demolish that one as well. Theres a total of at least 5 bases in each map. The defenders must defend their gold and if they elimiante all the attackers lives they win. I think its awsome and a very clever game mode to play. When you spawn you pick one of the 5 classes; Assault, Demolition, Recon, Speacialist, and Support. Battefield has added 25 ranks and about 50 Awards for you to unlock. When you rank up (by earning XP in matches) you unlock "unlock credits" witch alllow to unlock new weapons and gadetes for your classes.

Battefield is not great. The story could of have supportted co-op, it would of been a lot funner. The campaign is not that long and not that much deatail. Its just an indroduction in to the multiplayer. If you dont have LIVE I wouldn't recommend this game unless you want it for the single-player experience.
But overall Battefield: Bad Comapny is a great game and one that should be played.