This is the first time in a long time I actually pre-ordered a game....never again....

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition) X360
I was actually suckered into the hype for this game this time around. The impressive visuals in the trailers, the intense fire fights and the promise of an interesting story. I got none of that in the final package. The only thing that made me smile a little was in the beginning where you are kind of just dropped right into the action on a train or something....after that it was several "levels" or "maps " or "missions" of fire fights that didn't really make sense because they were tied to some kind of evolving story that didn't make sense either. The missions seemed random and chaotic in an disorganized way. I just never felt any continuity in purpose going through them and above all I just was not having any fun. I thought perhaps it was just me being tired or in a bad mood and I resisted the urge to come to GS an read other reviewes until I gave the game another chance. I couldn't resist and came here to find plenty of other people bored by the campaign as well. I'm not crazy afterall....

Aside from the boredom and lack of fun playing the game, there is also a high degree of frustration from the controls. This game, impressively, has destructible cover. I actually liked the fact that the cover I sat behind could violently be torn to shreds by enemy fire forcing me to move...HOWEVER...this game omits a major play mechanic in that you cannot duck into cover!!! I thought that was one of the most frustrating things playing this game! I sit there watching my squad mates get into cover behind obstacles, yet all I can do is stand, squat, or go prone on the ground and given the responsiveness of the controls (at least when I was playing) was less than stellar, I found myself getting stuck in a standing position quite often or going straight from standing to prone... annoying...

Another thing that frustrated the devil out of me was the poor programming of the squad mates. BF3 admittedly has pretty intense fire fights (unfortunately they are not fun, nor intelligent), but time and time again I'd find my squad mates pushing me out of the way to take position behind cover that I was already occupying thereby moving me right into direct fire from the enemy. On another mission, my squad nudged me completely up a flight of stairs where 6 enemies were waiting to blow my head off.... real fun.

Another thing that made the game constantly take me out of coming anywhere near immersion was the 'FOLLOW' moniker over a particular squad members head instructing me to follow this person. Quite often I had to be just in the right position next to the person in order for the action to continue, otherwise the person would recite their scripted lines and just sit there until I move close enough to smell their breakfast. While it did keep me from having to think to hard about what I had to do next, it ultimately just felt like cheap map triggers.

What did I like about the game ? The guns sound authentic.....

That's about it.

I'm taking this back if I can come out of the coma it put me in....