Battlefield 2142 offers few changes from its predecessor, however uses the old formula well in this excellent shooter.

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Battlefield 2142 is the third (or fourth, if you count BF: Vietnam) installment in the BF series. Although I have never played BF2, I thoroughly enjoyed BF1942, and was ecstatic when I learned that they were going to make a futuristic version of the Battlefield franchise. How did it hold up? Read my humble review...

Graphics: The graphics are not quite next gen, not quite last gen. They hold up well today, but BF 2142's graphics definitely aren't the best out there. The biggest problem you will have with it is the fact that it makes for long loading times.

Sound: There is very little music in the game, about 4, maybe 5 tracks, none of them overly impressive. However, what this game lacks in music it makes up with quality sound effects, and how they are used. Take for example, the whiz of a frag grenade as it bounces near you, or the ominous noises off in the distance of a speeding missile or a small skirmish, or even the subtle radio chatter one heres when entering a vehicle.

Value: Considering that the game has over 40 unlocks and even more rewards and the fact that it is almost entirely multiplayer, along with many clans and friendly clan communities, this game will keep you occupied for at least a few months if not for years.

Tilt: Easy to pick up, tough to master. Playing one or two matches will make anyone understand what they have to do to win, even though they might be killed easily at first (hey, its the nature of an online game for your enemy to come after you as hard as they can without discrimination). However, after a certain point, one will realize that like all games, this one has a Zen-level skill requirement to make the player a grand one.

Game-play: This is the first tactical shooter I have played where everyone almost everyone plays it like it is meant to be played, thanks to the ingenious rewards system. Stick with your squad, more points. Capture a control point or silo, more points, do it with a squad, more points. Heed the call of an injured soldier or a snipers nest in need of ammo, more points. Though some things aren't too well planned out, the game comes together in a spectacular fashion.

Take for example, how my squad was once ordered to take a control point somewhere in the middle of Tunis Harbor in a 64 player map. The enemy had their defense down well, they had a walker at the very front lines wrecking havoc on my squad mates and fellow team members. Behind them, a group of about 9 or 10 assault and support infantry set up their defenses and turrets behind cover and picked off anyone who might have avoided the attention of the walker. And farther behind, a snipers nest of three we hiding in a small courtyard filled with rubble and tanker containers as they picked off my team's reinforcements far to the back. Needless to say, getting through all that would have been a daunting task. Fortunately, one of my squad mates had an idea, and took me and another squad mate into a Humvee-like vehicle and sped us right around to the sniper's flank, at which point we came out of the vehicle and made short work of the poor fools. At the front, another squad on my team had successfully destroyed the walker after applying pressure on it via rocket launchers, and they and the rest of my squad began descending upon the the two enemy squads in the middle as they desperately tried to reform their defenses as me and the other two squad mates with me proceeded to flank them.

It was, as one could say, glorious.

Final score:: 8.5/10

Although this game has it's share of problems, mainly being the long loading times and the slightly difficult learning curve, they can not only be over-looked considering that the game engine is basically reused from BF2 and the nature of online games, but can be forgiven for its visceral game experience that is enhanced greatly by the sound quality and how the graphics engine is implemented.