Similar to Super Smash Bros,except with DBZ,Naruto and One Piece characters.

User Rating: 9 | Battle Stadium D.O.N PS2
Battle Stadium D.O.N is a Super Smash Bros style game with DBZ,Naruto and One Piece characters.The combat feels very smooth and the characters can perform special attacking movies,for example,Goku can perform a Kamehameha and spirit bomb,Naruto can use Jutsu.The characters have transformations too,for example,Goku can transform into a Super Saiyan and Gohan can transform into a level 2 Super Saiyan and Naruto can transform too.

When you successfully land attacks on another opponent,not only will it decrease their health,but it will increase your health too and in some fights where there is 4 characters fighting eachother,it's very beneficial to inflict a lot of damage upon the other characters,so you will have more health than the final opponent.

When you knock an opponent off a ledge,it will inflict a lot of damage on them and some of the environments scroll up and down and sideways,so you will need to keep moving when you're fighting,because if you get caught on the outside of the scrolling screen,it will result in a lot of health loss.

The characters you can select are Goku,Vegeta,Gohan,Naruto,Sakura,Sasuke,Kakashi and the One Piece characters.

To make things more interesting,Cell has a kamehameha attack that can instantly K.O his opponent.You can pick up pirate swords on the pirate ship on the One Piece stage.

The environments are colorful,and range from fighting in the city,to cliffs with waterfalls,giant beanstalk and forest(on a screen that keeps scrolling to keep changing the background) and professional fighting areans.

The characters are colorful,and on the character match up screen they have a smooth,colorful 3D polygon presentation.

The game has some nice cinematics too,that are very colorful,but there's only a few of them.

The music is a bit repetitive but provides a light hearted exhibition atmosphere.

Overall-If you like fighting games and any of these anime series or SSB,you might like this game.