The same formula as before but still fun with an enjoyable story.

User Rating: 8 | Batman: Arkham Origins PC

As a long running Batman fan, of course, I had to play this entry from top to bottom. Admittedly, the series is starting to lose some of its freshness as this one feels a lot like the previous but with a focus on the origin story and some of the early villains in the rogues gallery more than anything else.

On a PC at high settings this game is beautifully designed and I found myself enjoying the depth of detail provided, literally, around every turn. This is one of the highlights of the series alongside, of course, the wonderful free-flowing fight sequences that you'll have.

As others have noted, some fights are a bit annoying especially Deathstroke early on and then a few of the latter segments where you are required to wide many and a wide variety of thugs at the same time. One finds themselves more in free-flowing counters than free-flowing fighting in some of these cases which means patience is the key to taking down a segment of baddies. Deathstroke alone is a massive counter-fest which requires some practice and good timing in order to finally defeat him. Honestly, he would have been better placed later in the game versus someone like Firefly who was quite easy to take down.

Overall this game still is fun to play though I wouldn't recommend paying full price for it. Other than the very clear origin story, much of the game simply feels like everything you've already done. While some might say it is a good idea to keep the formula going, it would be amazing if they started incorporating some of the vehicles in a more formal way to add to the adventure. This would have been a nice touch. Too, the crime scene stuff felt a bit like Remember Me but not as purposeful. As a crime fighter, these scenes could have been a bit more purposeful, again, to break up some of the monotony.

Still a good game and worth playing though if you're not a Batman fan you may get tired of it.