I dig my hole you build a wall..

User Rating: 8.5 | Bastion X360
This game I had heard about a few weeks before its release and it looked like a really interesting idea for a game.. The game suceeded for me on most levels by being an enjoyable although too easy and a bit too short.. The game is basically a hack n slash top down view game where you play a character called the kid by the narrator.. The narrator is a main part of the game and depending on what actions you take will comment.. Hes talking alot and talks about the story of how the world had ended and backstory at different points in the game.. The voice actor they got for the narrator is fantastic and adds alot of character to the game.. Your main base of operations is known as the bastion and as you collect shards from the different areas that can be selected on the map you can build buildings and upgrade them in the bastion.. Theres an armory, shrine, Distillery, ect.. In each building you can either upgrade your stats and weapons like in the distillery you can select a different drink to upgrade certain stats or abilities.. Its a really good system that works well in the game.. Besides the regular levels where you are trying to find a shard there are quite a few practice ranges where you can earn rewards by performing different tasks based on the weapon your training with.. These can be quite tricky and some are only possible with upgraded weapons.. Those are problary the most challenging part of the game while the regular levels are really easy.. You can take the option of increasing the difficulty by invoking gods at the shrine you build but I really couldnt find much reason to do so.. You get extra experience and gems by activating the gods but its really not necessary. Also during your travels you unlock different items that let you travel to a dream state.. These are alot of fun to experiment with weapons n such.. Each has 20 waves of enemies that increase in difficulty as it goes up.. Its not really that hard but I did die on my first few tries in these.. The graphics in this game have a very unique style to them with bright vibrant colors.. The enemies and characters are basic but still have a unique look to them.. WHile I was playing I was thinking that this is a trippy game and it must be a game equivilent of being on acid at points.. Overall I enjoyed my time with bastion although it didnt seem like much time.. I may at some point replay it with shrines on to get the new game plus achievement..