'Bastard!' fails at everything that makes a game good...

User Rating: 2.3 | Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakaishin SNES
‘Bastard!’ is one of those games based on animes. The controls in it are really bad – even in the first battle you can’t really do anything but throw fireballs – I’ve hit every button and that is all he does – throws fireballs, while the opponent can make physical attacks. The sound quality and story are also really bad. The graphics are the best part of the game - while everything else fails in making this a good game…

The battles in it are worst of all. One guy is in the foreground, the other in the background. By pressing L or R you can move forward or backward – but still, it doesn’t add any elements to the game that are good. When you shoot fireballs you can barely hit the enemy – since they move faster then the fireballs.

And then they added a cheat to this game - a very simple cheat: pause the game and press select, which makes your opponent die... You would think that they could come up with more complex cheats then that - like button combinations...