A very impressive expansion on an already impressive game

User Rating: 9.5 | Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal PC
Well I liked Baldur's Gate II a lot and when I saw this expansion I was worried it was going to ruin the story since it had wrapped up so well. But man was I wrong, this expansion does nothing but improve an already great game. Allowing you to carry over your group and character from the previous game (like all the Baldur's Gate games) again really helps you get a attached to your characters and when you're attached you get drawn in more. Now you do start the expansion with a weapon that you have to find like 6 pieces to in Baldur's Gate II which is funny because I never could find all 6 but bam I got it at the start of this, and if you did find all 6 and make the weapon when you start Throne of Bhaal the weapon gets upgraded. The graphics remain pretty much the same, along with the game play but that's one of the reasons I like it so much. If something's working don't mess with it. Now the difficulty has been upped pretty well and I found that I hadn't built my character right from the original so I restarted then came back through and had an easier time.