The best RPG ever, highly immersive gameplay, detailed plot-line. Will run on any machine and still look great. Enough.

User Rating: 9.6 | Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn PC
Anyone remotely interested in Role Playing Games will find the Baldur's Gate saga an epic gaming experience. Highly based on the Dungeon's & Dragon's theme, gamers with little or no D&D experience will still find the game equally as appealing. Graphically the game looks great and will run on any PC. Yes, it won't look anywhere near as good as a modern 3D game, but the game's graphics are not really an issue in this case. The entire series can be picked up for £10 on dvd. The negatives: May come across as a dated, 'geeks' d&d game, possibly tricky to fully undersand when first played, may seem complex but really its easy after an hour or so. To surmise: Great, highly replayable game worth every penny and more!