Kung-Fu with depth

User Rating: 7 | Dragon Ninja NES
Before the shock factor of games such as mortal kombat and the re-playability of Street Fighter II, Bad Dudes was the game to beat in arcades, the port to the Nes was a trial at best, could you still play against the dragon ninja again and again. the answer...........yes.

With remakes of river city ransom and double dragon out on GBA, is this game far behind?
I hope not. The gameplay is simple kick and punch your enemies down and try to beat the boss.
The graphics are pretty good for a Nes game, but what can you really do with a 2-d format. not much can go wrong for the graphics, sometimes the colours can be a bit much, like the sewer level, but it was the same in the arcade so they couldn't change it that much.

The real draw that this game has on people is the boss battles. Difficult but still enjoyable at the same time. A re-play classic.