Calling this game bad would be a compliment

User Rating: 3.2 | Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood PS2
Okay, Im just going to get to the point with this game. IT IS NOT A GOOD GAME. Plain and simple. First off is the gameplay, its grapple system is very poor compared to other wrestling games and its countering system is even worse. There is only one counter for every single move and it is done the exact same way, it requires no skill at all and just requires you to guess what button your opponent is going to press. Its grapple system doesnt offer much variety in the moves (although it is improved from the original, but that wasnt really that hard). But probably the worst thing about the game is that there is absoluelty NO variety in the game at all. Each fight is exaclty the same and every fight is one on one. There is no tag team options or two one one options or anything other than the standard one on one match, and while the interactive environements (probably of the thing done okay in this game) are fun the first or second time, the lack of variety means that they get old very very fast. The game is very boring and repetive, boring and repetitive, boring and repetitve, boring and repetitive, boring and repetitive........ well anyway you get my point. The graphics in the game are also terrible, they look like a psone game, the characters are blocky and the environments are also very bad. But if believe it or not the sound in the game is actually worse. Each character has two lines which they repeat after every fight and they couldnt even do those two lines good. It sounds like they recorded the voices while they were sleeping. Since the game is so boring and repetitve you are not going to keep playing this game for long and if you really play through the whole campaign i appluad you. The only reason I played through it was to unlock the awesome videos of the real Backyard Wrestling which are simply crazy and good enough to actually make me play this crap game. So, what is else is there to say, this game has bad gameplay, bad sound, bad graphics and no value at all beacuse of this, well yes you guessed it, this is a BAD game (and thats probably being a bit kind as well). Dont get anywhere near this game, there are way better wrestling games out there.