Wiping tushes is more than just fun and games, it's the perfect training simulator for future mothers.

User Rating: 10 | Baby Pals DS
I do like my cute games from time to time so I thought I would pick this up and give it a try. I did not have high hope after buying the other baby game that came out a few weeks before this one but.....Turned out to be a fun big tush wiping game. You pick a baby and you also pick what sex they will be and what they will look like. During the game your baby grows and learns through mini games that you play while feeding, changing, sleeping and teaching. The graphics are good and so is the sound. The game play is not bad. Now This is not a game for everyone, but if you want to be a mother...It is pretty fun. I think this game would also be a good game for a training simulator for future mothers. It's not an easy game so the challenge is there but it is just like some of the other games such as Nintendogs where you get to take care of something and watch it grow. So if you want to be a mother, this game is the perfect simulator for learning to wipe tushes.