Can game makers at least pretend they tried with TV based games?

User Rating: 4.3 | Avatar: The Last Airbender GC
This game is pretty poor fare to say the least. What started as an interesting idea sort of crashed. This game could have been an awesome RPG, but it fell far short of expectations. The limited variety of powers and the repetitive game play really killed this game. Not to mention all the technical glitches. One of the worst ones was the map, in which if you started more than one quest at a time you lost all your previous quest markers on the map, forever, making any quest insanely difficult and success based on random chance of finding said objective.

Not only that, but in certain spots the game outright crashes leaving you to start all over again from your last save. I couldn't actually finish this game because of all the technical glitches. The boring and mind-numbingly repetitive nature of the combat really didn't inspire me to try very hard. My advice is to avoid this game.