My first game obsession.

User Rating: 8.8 | Astrosmash INTV
Beware the giant pixelated rocks and *gasp* the flying saucer (not to mention the dreaded homing missle).

This was my first game addiction. Don't let it's age and primitive 16-bit graphics stop you. It's pretty straight-forward and very habit-forming. Yes it's considered primative now, but back in the day, the Intellivision was state of the art.

You control a tracked cannon which you use to blast space rocks, some sorta spinning bombs that kill you when they hit the ground no matter where you are, homing missles, and once you get to light blue level, an alien flying saucer.

The Intellivision control disc was quite precise and it's a breeze to move the turret left and right. The side buttons are used to fire (it can also be set to fire automatically) and go to hyperspace, which essentially moves the turret to another random location on the track. This I mostly used to escape homing missles and too-close-for-comfort rocks.

Try to pick up this classic if you see it at a yard sale or eBay! You won't be disapointed. The PS2 port of this in Intellivision Lives! wasn't so great as the PS2 controller isn't quite as precise with the game as the original controller, but since my poor Intellivision II no longer works, it'll do.