Time to return to the Animus and explore another branch in Desmond's family tree...

User Rating: 8.5 | Assassin's Creed II PC
The game continues where AC left off , so for those who are have not played the first game ( Assassin's Creed ) might not be clear what the hell is happening, so best advice is play AC first before AC2 . Anyway , I am already half-way in the game, and I must give credit ,for the improvements in AC2 , Although the player must follow the main plot of the story to uncover the plot as you go on , there are couples of other side quests or missions that you can carry out . The other cool issue is that you are able to purchase / upgrade your weapon & change your clothing and invest in your villa to improve your income , so I think it's a pretty good concept , a little bit of management rather than the go-and-kill kill kill only.

Not much change in the gameplay and controls so both and new players shouldn't have a problem adjusting to the game. I'm trying to completed AC2 before AC : Brotherhood comes out in the store , but at the meantime , i will giving more reviews and updates on other games as well. As for UBISOFT .. keep up the good work!!