AC2 delivers a dumb story with no believable characters.

User Rating: 4 | Assassin's Creed II PC
AC1 is all about assassinations. Work your way up to find information about your pray. AC2 focuses way more on a story than actual gameplay. It has been very restricted from the first game. Do as the game wants or you have to start over. The story is the dumbest thing about this game. Ezio, a brat that becomes an assassin by touching his fathers clothes. In one minute he has learned everything a master assassin can do. Its not so easily bought for a man with a brain you know. Altair in the first game had no family, no friends or people he cared about. Why? Because it is huge weakspots for an assassin. You cant have emotions controlling your actions. Ezio is not fit for an assassins role at all. AC2 is more of a mafia game where family is the most important thing. It just felt silly seeing Ezio caring about women and his family and you as a player just dont give a damn! Also the fighting has been dumbed down. You need no skill at all to kill in this game like you need in the first game. You just click the button and everybody dies. Its so boring! The bottom line is that AC2 is a dumbed down version of AC1.