Oh-oh,Altair broke his voice.So did the game.

User Rating: 6 | Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines PSP
Bloodlines on the PSP is a must-have for gamers who don't have the next-gen consoles to play Assassin's Creed .You'll have to rely on gameplays on Youtube to catch-up on the story of Assassin's Creed. I've waited like months for this game (Bloodlines) to be released since it's announcment and after thousands of tick-tocks,here's the verdict of the long-awaited game.

Storyline: 6/10
The storyline begins right after the end of AC,where your'e out to kill Armand Bouchart and get hold of the Archives.BUT, I didn't see the link between this game and AC2.There wasn't even a mention of Ezio. SPOILER ALERT: Altair only mentioned he was heading to the East (or West,i forgot :P) at the end of the game to learn more about the Apple of Eden.AND,the main game could easily be completed in less than 7 hours.

Controls: 6/10
Ubisoft really did an okay job for porting the controls from PS3 to PSP.I emphasise the 'okay job' because there are some drawbacks to the contol scheme. One of them is that you can't rotate the camera while blending .Another one is the analog stick is buggy (sometimes) such that when you shift it slightly ,Altair ends up going in the direction that you don't want to go,like leaping from beam to beam that depends on the stiffness and accuracy of your analog stick.

Graphics: 6/10
The graphics looks okay for the PSP.Why 'okay'? Because I've seen better graphics on the PSP like Resistance Retribution that looks 70% PS3-ish and GTA:VCS which has a great draw distance and the environmental details are still more detailed than Bloodlines. Bloodlines on the PSP looks like a 640x460 version of Assassin's Creed on PC,with dull civillians and environmental details that qualifies for a PS1.But the draw-distance is good but not as good as the GTA franchise on the PSP,as some trees and boxes tend to pop-in and out of sight when you change camera angles.

Sounds: 6/10
The background music helps to create (some) tension in the game,but I'd rather turn it off as it's kind of pointless to have a fast-paced song playing when your'e being chased by Templars in a small city area. The voice-acting for Altair changed too,he sounds Puerto-Rican-ish this time,with a thick accent like Borat,but deeper voice.(JOKE) The voice change was mainly to differentiate the protagonist and the other characters involved in the game,but some cutscenes involving other male characters sounds a tad like Altair,so you have to keep track of whose talking what.

Environment: 6/10
The free-roaming environment's a turn-off.Really.Mainly because the whole city is divided into smaller sections and when you enter those sections,there will be intermissions to load the other area.But the loading times are fast,like two blinks of an eye. If GTA can do it ( the big free-roaming environment with no loading time within the city),why can't Ubisoft? Another thing to note about Bloodlines is that,I came across a chicken on the building.What is it doing there?

AI: 6/10
The AIs are stupid.Really stupid. You can do a stealth kill of a Templar A infront of Templar B and Templar B wouldn't even notice it.You'll also have some civillians running into buildings and trees if you assault them. Also,it will get on your nerves that if you run for a few steps in the small town and your Synchronization Bar has a Yellow Eye,you'll have to blend or it will turn red and Templars will start chasing you like Tom and Jerry.

Overall: 6/10
I missed the big-free roaming environment and the nerve-wrecking chases on land and leaping across buildings.All I could say is Ubisoft could have done better.They could have teamed up with Rockstar and boomz,Bloodlines could have a better gameplay. I'm just saying,but it's a good start for the AC franchise on the PSP. Get this if you have the extra money or if you want to show-off AC portable to your friends. Show-off.Pfft.