My impressions after beating Assassin's Creed. It's as repetitive as they say, but still good.

User Rating: 7 | Assassin's Creed X360
I first experienced Assassin's Creed when I was in college; I got to play it thanks to some dorm mates next door.And I was quite impressed with it both graphically and in gameplay so much so that I decided to pursue a 360, although it wouldn't be quite some time till I actually regretted buying one. Eventually I did get one but I dragged my feet on Assassin's Creed because it seemed kinda boring after hearing a lot about how repetitive it gets, and boy does it. But as my 2012 resolution I decided to finally go through it all and I have to say I'm glad I played it.

AC really sets up next gen gaming well. It's big and graphically pleasing. There really is a lot to explore and you can get lost when you do. That's what makes this game so fun, simply exploring and looking around for your own fun. Assassinating a lot of guards or doing a bunch of roof top stunts. A lot of the fun is honestly missed in the actual missions in the game. I mean once you start playing the story and only the story it gets boring and repetitive quite fast. The assassination missions are fine, but info gathering gets dull fast.And the only thing that really compelled me to keep going was the story itself, which was quite interesting, involving some mess with secret societies and government conspiracies. The fact this game also leaves on a bit of a cliff hanger is a good reason to see why the AC series has gotten so popular so fast.

Conclusion: Assassin's Creed is a good game. Info gathering is rather dull and repetitive, but when you finally get to assassinate your target it's worth it. However I think Assassin's Creed truly shines when you just explore the world and create your own fun.