Envolving game, deep, original... but easy, to easy.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ascendancy PC
Involving game, deep, original... but easy, to easy. It is the kind of game that somebody who like space, like sci-fi, and obviously like strategy game want to play. But we need more challenges... not only complete the plot of tech tree to destroy 4 or 5 space ships. You must try it.

I played it so many years ago and I learn to play it from my own, but I enjoy it anyway, i think i enjoyed it more than if had a guide. I had the same feeling the first time I played Civilization; just natural, just fun, just instrumental to play and progress.

This game needed more ambition.

May be its to late for a sequel. Nowadays game like eve-online, galactic civilization and others, are so much deep, ambitious and powerful in all their concepts. However a loved the three dimension map concept for battles, something that games like Homeworld just take it to their own benefit.

Its evolution baby.