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Xbox Series X Packaging Gives A Good Look At The Vents

Microsoft's next-gen console will arrive in a box that has a more subdued graphic design to it.


Almost a year after the console's unveiling, the retail box that the next-gen Xbox Series X will be shipped in has been revealed. Best Buy Canada's Jon Scarr grabbed a photo of the cardboard container and tweeted it online.

As seen above, the box is constructed from cutting-edge heavy-duty paper products and features photorealistic images printed onto its frame. Compared to previous boxes that Xbox consoles shipped in, it's also a more subdued design. It features an angular, extreme close-up of the box itself, which you can see more of in our Xbox Series X hands-on preview.

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On the box, the Xbox Series X's square design and the ventilated cover are shown off, while also reminding consumers that it has a 1TB solid-state drive and games can run at 120 FPS on it at a 4K resolution.

Compared to the original Xbox One retail box from 2014, which was very, very green, the design is far more subtle.

It still has a splash of green on the bottom of the box, which also contains a few paragraphs of fine text. The design is reminiscent of the Xbox One X and the original Xbox console retail boxes, which used cleaner graphic design to stand out on store shelves when they were released. It looked almost like the system itself. As anyone who owned an original Xbox remembers, it was a very boxy design--the name was fitting.

Still looks good after 18 years
Still looks good after 18 years

The Xbox Series X and Series S will launch on November 10. Check out our Xbox Series X preorder guide to see if what's inside the box is right for you. Then, if you're wondering what games to pick up on day one, check out the complete launch line-up.

Xbox Series X

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