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Xbox Series X Energy-Saving Graphics Modes Reportedly Being Explored By Microsoft

Would you settle for a lower resolution in your games if it meant a reduced energy bill every month?


Microsoft is reportedly exploring new ways to make its Xbox Series X|S console more energy-efficient, as the company sent out a recent questionnaire to members of the Xbox Insider program.

According to Windows Central, the company is exploring a list of potential graphical options across PC and console, by dialing back certain graphical features in games. The survey asks if participants would be willing to play games with reduced graphics--such as lower resolutions and frame rates--in return for reduced power consumption from an Xbox console or PC. This feature could potentially applied to games that are active or inactive, and Microsoft wants to know how users would like these features to be branded, with examples such as "eco-saving" and "energy-saving" listed.

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There's no concrete number for just how much power a user would be able to save if they switched their game from a regular quality or performance mode option for one with an energy-saving setup, but this proposed idea follows on from several other green ideas that Microsoft has implemented during its current Xbox cycle.

One such example is the Xbox Series X|S standby option, which allows users to drastically cut down on how much power the console draws in when it's not in use, around 20 times less in eco-saver mode when compared to instant-on mode.

These ideas come during what could be a very harsh winter for the UK and Europe. The UK is forecasting rolling blackouts amidst a dramatically increased cost of living, and other European nations are urging citizens to lower their energy consumption during winter.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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