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Xbox One Adds Dolby Atmos Audio In New Update

Here's how to start using the feature today.


After being announced back in October 2016, Microsoft has now launched bitstream audio-passthrough, including Dolby Atmos, on Xbox One via the console's Blu-ray player.

Microsoft's Major Nelson made the announcement today, and also explained how you can take advantage of the new feature. First, you have to reboot your system. Then choose "Let me receiver decode audio" from the Blu-ray page. Here is what the page looks like:

As announced previously, bitstreaming and Atmos are available on Xbox One S and the launch model. The new audio options are available for gaming and video content alike.

In other Xbox news, an update for Xbox One and Windows 10 added the interactive livestreaming service, while new home/guide screens and more were also introduced.

And on the hardware front, Microsoft is now talking more about Project Scorpio. This week, the company revealed more details on the console's impressive-sounding specs.

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