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Xbox One 1 TB Bundle Available For $240

The bundle also comes with Gears of War 4.


While it's typically the 500 GB variety of Xbox One that goes on sale, you can pick up a 1 TB model for less than $250 right now.

Over on eBay, Newegg is selling the 1 TB Gears of War 4 bundle for only $240. That's a solid price for this particular model of Xbox One S, provided you're interested in Gears; the 1 TB bundles normally retail for $350.

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Now Playing: 6 Things You Need To Know About Project Scorpio

Shipping is free within the United States. A limited quantity of systems is available, and there's no telling exactly how long this will be available for.

If you're in the market for an Xbox One, one thing to keep in mind is the impending launch of Project Scorpio, which is due out later this year. That will provide a significant boost in horsepower over the existing Xbox One (and Xbox One S) and could drive down the price of existing models.

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