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Xbox Is Seeking Feedback From Gamers Who Are Deaf Or Hard Of Hearing

A current Xbox survey is looking for feedback on how experiences can be improved for players who are deaf or hard of hearing.


A current Xbox survey being circulated is seeking gamers who are deaf or hard of hearing to give feedback on their experiences playing games, and what could be done to improve. In a tweet, Xbox accessibility user researcher Anna Waismeyer has encouraged players who qualify to take the survey, which she estimates will take 20-25 minutes.

The survey can be found at this link. It will be available from now until June 29.

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The survey also asks about other things that might affect players, such as a whether they have low vision or are blind, have a neurological condition or disability, or experience a chronic or long-term illness, among other things.

It then asks players what features they would like to see that would make games easier for them to play, while also identifying their favorite genres. It also asks what games they've found themselves unable to enjoy, and what prevented them from being able to play. Hopefully the data gathered from this survey will be used to craft better accessibility tools in the future.

Xbox has set the standard for accessibility of control this generation with the Adaptive Controller, which opens up new control options in games. The upcoming The Last of Us Part II on PlayStation 4, meanwhile, has been praised for its incredible accessibility options.

The developers of the indie co-op game Moving Out recently spoke to GameSpot about the importance of accessibility.

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