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WWE Announces Yet Another Championship Belt and Show

January marks the start of the UK taking over the WWE Network.


WWE announced today that it will be introducing a new title and tournament, which will appear on its streaming service, the WWE Network.

Executive VP for WWE, Paul "Triple H" Levesque, revealed the United Kingdom Championship during a press conference. Much like the Cruiserweight Classic earlier this year, a two-night tournament for this new belt will take place on January 14 and 15 on the WWE Network. 16 of the top competitors from the UK and Ireland will battle it out for this new belt. The event will be held at the Empress Ballroom in Blackpool, England.

The Cruiserweight Classic tournament was a success, which launched a Cruiserweight division at the company, as well as a new show, 205 Live. Triple H said that the intent for the UK Championship tournament is to create a weekly show for the WWE Network, produced entirely in the UK. If successful, it will join 205 Live and NXT as weekly, Network-exclusive wrestling show.

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The United Kingdom Championship is the sixth belt added this year, alongside the Universal Championship, Raw Women's Championship, Smackdown Women's Championship, Cruiserweight Championship, and Smackdown Tag Team Championship. WWE has expanded quite a bit in 2016, turning the Smackdown and Raw shows into separate entities with its own wrestlers and championships back in July.

This announcement comes just days before the final PPV of the year, Roadblock. Check out the match card and our predictions here.

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