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Windows Xbox App Will Make It Easier To Tell If A Game Will Work Well On Your PC

Available to check out in the preview version of the Xbox Windows app.


Microsoft is rolling out a new feature in Windows' Xbox app, which should make it easier to determine if a game will run well on your PC.

This info will come in a label with the words, "Should play great on this PC," located underneath the blue install button on a game's storefront page. The feature is limited to a few games and is still under development. To see it for yourself, you can download the Xbox Insider Hub app and agree to receive Xbox app store's preview versions.

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It's unknown what benchmarks Microsoft is using when defining a game playing "great" on a PC, or if there will be any tiers in-between "great" and the other end of "not working at all." It could be the case that a game will run well at a lower FPS on a PC with certain specs, and it's unclear if Microsoft will also incorporate such info into its "how this game runs" tag. From a quick perusal of the preview version, it looks like games currently either have the "play great" tag or do not have one at all. We'll need to wait until Microsoft says more in order to understand the details of how this new feature will work.

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Every game in the Xbox app store already includes minimum specs and recommended requirements, so in the meantime, that's still the solidly reliable way of estimating how a game will run on your PC.

In other Xbox news, you can check out our list of the biggest upcoming Xbox games, the best Xbox Series X|S games, and the best Xbox One games. Halo Infinite, one of this year's highly anticipated Xbox games, releases on December 8. Our Halo Infinite review is out, and reviewer Jordan Ramée scored it a 9 out of 10.

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