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What's Next for Colony Wars

One lucky GameSpotter goes all the way to Liverpool to see how Colony Wars: Vengeance is shaping up.


A recent trek to Psygnosis Liverpool turned up the latest build of Colony Wars: Vengeance. Dozens of missions were playable - though we only had access to the default ship so some of the later missions proved too difficult to play. But the first set of missions provided plenty o' fun.

You're tasked with objectives like collecting nuclear reactors before they explode, fending off enemy ships all the while or blowing up some ground installations - which involves you using a guided missile. Control is tight, the missions are fun, and the game looks altogether solid. Plus we got to view a pair of the unhappy endings to the game - misery enough to spur you on to replaying until you win. (There are six possible endings total.)

The game is due out in November; check out these screenshots in the meanwhile.

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