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What Made News in '98?

We know what our picks for the top stories of 1998 are (and you'll find out next week), but we wanna know what you think.


It's been a great year for console gaming. There were a lot of big console stories - Dreamcast, Final Fantasy VIII, Game Boy Color, Zelda, etc. Too many things to mention here. We're sorting our list of top console and PC news stories of '98 right now, but we thought we'd turn to you, the readers, to see if you had strong feelings about what made news in '98.

So what do you think was the biggest story of '98? E-mail it to us at, and we'll include a list of the readers top picks along with our own. Also if you thought there were any news blunders or failures, we want to hear what you have to say about them too.

Be looking for our list next week. Have a happy holiday!

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