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What Is Candyman? New Feature For The Horror Film Answers That Question

Watch the new teaser trailer for Candyman in theaters August 27.


Ahead of the much anticipated horror sequel of Candyman, the film's cast and crew answer in their own words what the urban legend represents in a new teaser trailer for the film.

Jordan Peele, the mastermind behind the horror films Get Out and Us, and the screenplay writer for Candyman said Candyman is the patron saint of urban legend. "Candyman is racism in America," Peele said in the trailer. Check out more answers in the video below.

Nia DaCosta, the film's director, said Candyman is macabre, while Aquaman and Watchmen actor Abdul-Mateen II, who stars as Anthony McCoy, said Candyman represents "fear," "oppression," and "retribution."

The new Candyman movie is a sequel to the 1992 film. The original movie follows the urban legend of Candyman, an enslaved child who grew up to become a businessman and later died at the hands of a mob due to his relationship with a white woman in the 19th century. Now, the revengeful Candyman is conjured up by anyone calling his name five times in the mirror.

The plot of the new Candyman takes place 30 years after the original film and follows McCoy, played by Abdul-Mateen II. McCoy, who was a child in the original film, is a visual artist who moves into the now gentrified Cabrini Green neighborhood of Chicago and begins investigating accounts of the urban legend of Candyman.

Candyman was originally scheduled to release in June 2020 but was delayed due to COVID-19 now has it's fifth release date in theaters on August 27.

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