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Westworld Renewed For Season 4, More Seasons Planned

HBO is currently airing Season 3 of its acclaimed sci-fi mystery.


The third season of HBO's acclaimed sci-fi series Westworld is currently airing, with two episodes remaining. It has now been reported that the show has been renewed for Season 4.

The news comes via The Hollywood Reporter. While HBO has greenlit Season 4, the next season does not yet have a premiere date. With production on so many shows currently postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we're unlikely to see Season 4 until later in 2021 at the earliest.

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In a statement, HBO programming president Casey Bloys said, "From the Western theme park to the technocratic metropolis of the near future, we've thoroughly enjoyed every twist and turn from the minds of master storytellers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy. We can't wait to see where their inspired vision takes us next."

In addition, THR's sources state that a total of six seasons are planned for Westworld. Showrunners Nolan and Joy have reportedly been working to a multi-season plan from the very start--when production on Season 1 was paused back in 2016, actor James Marsden stated it was so everything was in place for when "the very last episode airs and we have our show finale, five or seven years down the line."

For more Westworld Season 3 coverage, check out GameSpot's guide to Episode 6's theories and Easter Eggs. And if Westworld isn't your thing, here's our reasons to watch FX On Hulu's Devs instead.

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