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Weekly Recap: GTA 5 Ships 75M Copies, New South Park Delayed Again, E3 Open To The Public

Did you step away this week? Here's a roundup of the big stories and some you may have missed.

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It's the weekend again. Here is a roundup of the week's top stories and some you might have missed.


Rockstar's open-world action game Grand Theft Auto V continues to sell incredibly well. The game has now shipped 75 million copies, up by 5 million in just three months. The game is on pace to sell better this year than it did last week. Will it ever stop selling? [Full story]

Ubisoft's new South Park game, The Fractured But Whole, has been delayed again. Originally slated to come out in 2016, the game was initially pushed to Q1 2017. Now, it's set to come out sometime in Ubisoft's fiscal 2017-2018, which translates to April 2017 through March 2018. [Full story]

For the first time ever, the annual E3 show will be open to the public this year. That's right, anyone can buy a ticket to this year's show. 15,000 consumer tickets will go on sale Monday, February 23. Tickets cost $150 (for a three-day pass) on February 13 and will go up to $250 thereafter. [Full story]


Drawn to Death, the next game from Twisted Metal creator David Jaffe, now has a release date; it's coming out for PS4 in April. Learn more about it here on the PlayStation Blog.

Here's a rad trailer for the new Timesplitters fan remake, Timesplitters Rewind.

The next Hearthstone might be themed around dinosaurs, according to a new report. Bear in mind that this is unconfirmed for now--but it sounds pretty cool.

The Golf Club is getting a sequel. Developer HB Games announced The Golf Club 2 this week and it sounds like it's improving on the sequel in a lot of big ways.

After crushing it on console and PC, CI Games' Dark Souls-like RPG Lords of the Fallen came out this week for iOS and Android devices. Here's a trailer:

Here is a wonderful video in which Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto and producer Eiji Aonuma answer 51 rapid-fire questions about Breath of the Wild. Watch the video at Game Informer.

What would Final Fantasy XIV's UI and menu systems look like presented with Microsoft's HoloLens? Perhaps something like this--see the cool video at Kotaku.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3--not the newer Infinite Warfare--is holding a Valentine's Day event. You can read this blog post to find out what's going down.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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